Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan his wife Gauri Khan and son Aryan Khan pictures have been surfaced on social media, which is allegedly taken in Mecca. These pictures claims that Shah Rukh Khan made Gauri convert to Islam after 33 years of marriage. A fact-check, however, shows that these images are completely phony and produced by artificial intelligence.
Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan & Aryan Khan’s AI pictures goes viral
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan got married on October 25, 1991, in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony.Their marriage has been a lovely fusion of respect for one another and cultural compatibility, even though they have different religious origins. AbRam, born through surrogacy in 2013, Suhana, born in 2000, and Aryan, born in 1997, are the couple’s three children.
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan has always been open about their relationship and have talked openly about the interfaith marriage. During an old episode of Koffee With Karan, Gauri had stated that converting to Islam was never a condition for their marriage.
She also stated that their family celebrates both Diwali and Eid with equal enthusiasm—she leads the Diwali puja, and Shah Rukh takes charge during Eid celebrations.
Earlier even SRK has spoken about it in several interviews. He revealed that their children are sometimes confused about their religious identity. He mentioned that he would often tell them, like a typical Bollywood hero, that they were Indian first and that humanity is the ultimate religion.